[Daikiri] The game company is a mysterious job offer, what is the job content? ] Examination results announcement!

Weekend Limited Easy Planning GAMESpark Ogiri, the 621st review result announcement. The theme this time is Game company is a mysterious job offer, what is its job? *], but thank you for many answers. As a result of the evaluation of everyone's evaluation and the person in charge of the person in charge, and the person in charge, the answer received from everyone was selected as the best answer.

__ Friend of Spa

Who was the job offer? What did you intend to do? No one knows

So if the person who came to the interview was super-capable, I'm scared

__ Friend of Spa

Continue hitting the wall of the company all day

Isn't it an in-game wall...

__ Friend of Spa

A job that conveys the degree of pain by being attacked to consider the amount of damage

Frequent work injury

__ Friend of Spa

Occupation: Pose supervision Condition: Ramen shop clerk that has been postered Remarks: Game developers are also being posted on photos, so please.

Isn't it just standing with your arms?

__ Friend of Spa

Night shift In charge of carrying an employee who has fallen asleep to a nap room with a princess

You have to be powerful

__ Friend of Spa

A simple job just to paint only one door from one door.

If you are asked to be aspiring and answer Because it's a long time, you will be accepted

__ Friend of Spa

Rabbit caretaker, X ・ X ・ who started to keep in-house to improve employees' motivation

Elementary school!

__ Friend of Spa

Those who monitor employees so that they do not buy anything other than their own software

When you pick up a masterpiece, occasionally overlook

__ fooi

Work to replenish items to dungeon treasure chests online

Was it manual

__ Friend of Spa

Work to transcribe game specifications while watching videos

What is the meaning of the specifications?

__ Friend of Spa

Work to tell how many people sleeping on the floor so that the aunt who came to cleaning in the morning would not be surprised

Improve the treatment of developers!

__ Friend of Spa

Work to enjoy travel and events instead of developers

Someday will be stabbed

__ Friend of Spa

We are looking for development staff for the horror game sacrifice. No skill required, no interview, immediately adopted

I can't tell you even if you ask the assigned department

__ Friend of Spa

People with crouching voices Business content Blowing in the starting sound


__ Friend of Spa

An attractive human resource that accelerates a rapidly growing metabose. It is written.

The waiting room for the interview looks narrow...

__ Friend of Spa

We are looking for an appraiser. It is a job that distinguishes whether our work is a remake or remaster.

Can't you judge by yourself?

__ Friend of Spa

The character gets into the object and bikubikubiku! ! So Motion actor when moving

Was that movement motion capture!

__ Friend of Spa

Recruitment for those who will guard the grave of the social games that have ended the service!

The game that is over is a cyber space where the character collapsed I'm scared because I feel left behind

__ Friend of Spa

We producer Graphics, programmers, sound urgent recruitment Completely professional-oriented! !

Isn't it a band!

__ Friend of Spa

Time traveler to create a more realistic strategy Or we are looking for those who can develop a time machine The desired age is from the Warring States period in Japan or from the late Han period of China

Detective It will be one of the three countries

When I went to the future, this game was canceled, so no one came to the interview. As a result, this game could not be developed and was canceled.

  • See all answers.


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